
We organise regular workshops ('methods masterclasses'), throughout the academic year. We hold a methods fair and also a Summer School.

Take a look at our upcoming courses and events, find out about our Summer School, and browse past events via the tabs on the left-hand side of the page

If you have ideas about training sessions or seminars you would like to see in future, please let us know at

Follow us on Twitter/X, LinkedIn and Facebook to keep updated!

Important booking information


Bookings are currently done through Microsoft Forms. All reminders and updates about your booking will be sent to the email you used when signing up for the event so please ensure that you read these messages. If you need to cancel or amend your booking, please email


We have had an increasing problem with non-attendance. As a result anyone who does not attend and has not cancelled their place before the course starts will not be permitted to attend any further methods@manchester events for that academic year.

Upcoming events

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